Radiator Heating Renovations

Do you have an existing radiator heating system that needs some changes?

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Heat Source Changes

Is you heat source nearing the end of its life?

Or do you want to change from gas to electricity?

Find out your options for replacement.

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Hot water

Do you need a new hot water source?

Depending on your current system we can upgrade your boiler or air to water heatpump to heat indirectly though a hot water cylinder or installing a gas combination boiler.

Or a stand alone domestic hot water (not incorporated with your heating system) of a heatpump with cylinder.

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Servicing and improvements

Central heating boilers have a lifespan of approx 10-15 years.

 If you have an existing heating system with a non functioning boiler or high performing radiators we can repair or replace this for you.

With the worlds most trusted Brand at our fingers tips we can have you up and running in no time.

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